Project 1


5 Oct 2020 - 26 Oct 2020 (week 07-week 10)
Soo Wen Yi (0334653)
Advance Animation _



Week 07
5 Oct 2020

I thought long and hard about shows that are not animated that I like, but since I don't watch a lot of tv series or remember lines from movies, it was really hard for me to find a line that I would like to use. So I chose a line from Steven Universe using Pink Diamond's line. Here is the whole clip.


But after doing a rough storyboard to the chosen line, it doesn't really excite me and the action looked boring. I had to ask my friend to recommend some sitcoms and comedy shows and I searched up and looked through some clips on YouTube and found one that I would like to use. 

This is a clip from Modern Family, I first saw it in a compilation video and found a clip of it. After getting approval from Mr Kannan, I will need to do the storyboard and acting.

Week 08
12 Oct 2020

This week is independent learning week so I recorded my acting and did my storyboard first. 

Fig. 1.1: storyboard pg.1

Fig. 1.2: storyboard pg.2

Fig. 1.3: storyboard pg.3

I then moved onto creating an animatic based on the storyboard, but I forgot to make it to be stepped tangent so I have to remember to do that next time for animatic.

Here is the first animatic draft

Week 09
19 Oct 2020

After getting feedback from Mr Kannan I updated the storyboard and continue to tweak the animatic according to the storyboard.

Fig. 2.1: updated storyboard page 1

Fig. 2.2: updated storyboard page 2

Fig. 2.3: updated storyboard page 3

Here is the second animatic draft without camera, I forgot to turn on the visibility of the background elements here.


And here is the second animatic draft with camera.

 I then worked on refining scene 1, 2 and 3 for next week's review.

Here is scene 1 draft 1 with no background.

Here is scene 2 draft 1 with no background.

Here is scene 3 draft 1 with no background.

And I modeled a simple background to put into the animation.
Fig. 3.1: background 1

Fig. 3.2: background 2

I wasn't satisfy with the background 2 that I initially did since it was a quick mock up so I adjusted it to look more natural, I adjusted the shape so that it looks nice from the camera's view.

Fig. 3.3: background 2 final

Week 10
26 Oct 2020

After getting feedback, I continued working on the animation and here is the draft with every scene compiled.



Week 09
19 Oct 2020
For the animatic the emotion is there, body language and gesture line is missing. "born to play" better be a full shot in a hero pose, and the camera can be low angle. Take a look at some powerful poses. When the character falls down, the camera can be changed to top down shot. When phone vibrates, make a close up shot to the phone.
Week 10
26 Oct 2020
Camera angle can be tweaked, after the action pose, pause it for a little bit. At the end, add more hello so its repeated at the end. Be careful on 0:13 where the hand is off the frame a little, make it so its in the frame. 
Week 11
2 Nov 2020
Its good, some fixes on animation, posture of character. 0:04 1 of the leg should be slightly shifted behind and not stand straight on. When the character is kneeling, the knees should go in wards and the feet goes outward like a V. Be careful about the shoulders, don't want them to look too stiff. In the start, it looks like on the head is animated, add a little bit of movement to the chest or shoulders to look more natural. The phone vibrate is too fast. 


Week 07
It took me some time to find an audio that I'm happy with but thankfully since my friend suggested some shows to look at I finally found an audio that I look forward to working with.

Week 08
It was strange recording myself for the character acting. I tried not to look at the original video but instead go with what I want to do for the animation.

Week 09
I figured out how to parent constrain the phone to the hip then switch to hand which is pretty cool.

Week 10
With the scenes compiled, I can see I still have a long way to go in terms of completing the animation but its good to see my progress so far.
Week 07
I was searching for a more light-hearted audio so I can have more fun animating it.
Week 08
Since I didn't record a full body reference video, I still record it while I'm animating to reference or I get our of my chair and do the action to understand what needs to move.

Week 09
I only managed to have progress on 3 scene out of 6 which is a little slow for my own liking.

Week 10
I was nice to see my classmates' progress so far and it was nice to see how they took their audio and interpret it for their animation.
Week 07
It is good to talk to friends when I'm stuck since they will also have more suggestions which will let me gather and search for an idea.
Week 08
Since I was also thinking about what the character is doing while making the storyboard, I did not utilise my knowledge of camera angles to my advantage to better tell the story.

Week 09
Some of the camera angles on the storyboard, I couldn't really translate it into the 3D space since it might clip through the ground or it won't have the same effect since the character is stylised differently.

Week 10
There's still a lot that I have to do to make this nicer so I will keep working on it and always have Mr Kannan's feedback.


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