Final Project


16 Nov 2020 - 23 Nov 2020(week 13 - week 14)
Soo Wen Yi (0334653)
Advance Animation _



Week 13
16 Nov 2020

From project 2, here is the draft with light added.

Week 14
23 Nov 2020

After getting feedback I finalised the animation and lights. I learned how to add gradient colours to an object with a ramp.
Fig. 1.1: adding gradient to the tree

Here is a final draft 1.

After compiling that I went into after effects to turn up the contrast a little since it was a little washed out and I also added a light ray when the character is at the edge of the cliff to add to the effect of it being on a stage. Here is the final outcome of the animation.


Week 14
23 Nov 2020
The lighting is fine. Apply shader to trees, make one tree bigger than the other. Remember to cast shadow so it doesn't look like the character is floating.


Week 14
I had fun with this project and learned a lot about 3D animation. The outcome could be better if I had more time to work on it but I'm happy with how far I have come compared to the start of the semester.
Week 14
I noticed its important to watch every progress when I finish exporting it since I didn't noticed there was a light which was visible in the scene. I only noticed that when I was editing in after effects which caused me to go back into maya to playblast and compile in premiere pro again before editing in after effects.
Week 14
I actually tried to put a HDRI in the skydome but it didn't look good and made my character too shiny to my liking so I decided not to include it. the character's movement overall have some parts where it is stiffer or more natural than others so that is an improvement to be made in the future.


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